
Datasources and destinations

Fields listing for Amazon Ads

Sponsored Product Acos Clicks 14d
Advertising cost of sales based on purchases made within 14 days of an ad click.
Field IDacosClicks14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Acos Clicks 7d
Advertising cost of sales based on purchases made within 7 days of an ad click.
Field IDacosClicks7d
Data Typemetric
Add To Cart
Number of times shoppers added a brand's products to their cart, attributed to an ad view or click.
Field IDaddToCart
Data Typemetric
Add To Cart Clicks
Number of times shoppers added a brand's products to their cart, attributed to an ad click.
Field IDaddToCartClicks
Data Typemetric
Add To Cart Rate
Calculated by divididing addToCart by impressions.
Field IDaddToCartRate
Data Typemetric
Add To Cart Views
Number of times shoppers added the brands' products to their cart, attributed to an ad view.
Field IDaddToCartViews
Data Typemetric
Ad Group Id
Unique numerical ID of the ad group.
Field IDadGroupId
Data Typedimension
Ad Group Name
The name of the ad group as entered by the advertiser.
Field IDadGroupName
Data Typedimension
Ad Id
Unique numerical ID of the ad.
Field IDadId
Data Typedimension
Ad Keyword Status
Current status of a keyword.
Field IDadKeywordStatus
Data Typedimension
Ad Status
Status of the ad group.
Field IDadStatus
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Product Advertised Asin
The ASIN associated to an advertised product.
Field IDadvertisedAsin
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Product Advertised Sku
The SKU being advertised. Not available for vendors.
Field IDadvertisedSku
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Display Asin Brand Halo
Represents a product that was purchased after an ad click but has a different SKU/ASIN that what was advertised.
Field IDasinBrandHalo
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Product Attributed Sales Same Sku14d
Total value of sales occurring within 14 days of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised. Sponsored Products only.
Field IDattributedSalesSameSku14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Attributed Sales Same Sku1d
Total value of sales occurring within 1 day of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised.
Field IDattributedSalesSameSku1d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Attributed Sales Same Sku30d
Total value of sales occurring within 30 days of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised.
Field IDattributedSalesSameSku30d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Attributed Sales Same Sku7d
Total value of sales occurring within 7 days of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised.
Field IDattributedSalesSameSku7d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Brand Attribution Type
Describes whether a purchase is attributed to a promoted product or brand-halo effect.
Field IDattributionType
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Brand Bid Optimization
Bid optimization for Sponsored Display ad groups. For vCPM campaigns, the value is always reach. For CPC campaigns, value is either clicks or conversions.
Field IDbidOptimization
Data Typedimension
Branded Searches
The number of searches that included the name of your brand occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view.
Field IDbrandedSearches
Data Typemetric
Branded Searches Clicks
The number of searches that included the name of your brand occurring within 14 days of an ad click.
Field IDbrandedSearchesClicks
Data Typemetric
Branded Searches Views
The number of times a branded keyword was searched on Amazon based on the brands associated to the featured ASINs in your campaign, attributed to an ad view.
Field IDbrandedSearchesViews
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Display Branded Search Rate
Rate of Branded Searches relative to the number of impressions. (BS/Impressions)
Field IDbrandedSearchRate
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Campaign Applicable Budget Rule Id
The ID associated to the active budget rule for a campaign.
Field IDcampaignApplicableBudgetRuleId
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Product Campaign Applicable Budget Rule Name
The name associated to the active budget rule for a campaign.
Field IDcampaignApplicableBudgetRuleName
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Product Campaign Bidding Strategy
The bidding strategy associated with a campaign.
Field IDcampaignBiddingStrategy
Data Typedimension
Campaign Budget Amount
Total budget allocated to the campaign.
Field IDcampaignBudgetAmount
Data Typedimension
Campaign Budget Currency Code
The currency code associated with the campaign.
Field IDcampaignBudgetCurrencyCode
Data Typedimension
Campaign Budget Type
One of daily or lifetime.
Field IDcampaignBudgetType
Data Typedimension
Campaign Id
The ID associated with a campaign.
Field IDcampaignId
Data Typedimension
Campaign Name
The name associated with a campaign.
Field IDcampaignName
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Product Campaign Rule Based Budget Amount
The value of the rule-based budget for a campaign.
Field IDcampaignRuleBasedBudgetAmount
Data Typedimension
Campaign Status
The status of a campaign.
Field IDcampaignStatus
Data Typedimension
Total number of clicks on an ad.
Field IDclicks
Data Typemetric
Click Through Rate
Clicks divided by impressions.
Field IDclickThroughRate
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Display Conversions Brand Halo
For Sponsored Display vCPM campaigns, the total number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Field IDconversionsBrandHalo
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Display Conversions Brand Halo Clicks
For Sponsored Display vCPM campaigns, the total number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Field IDconversionsBrandHaloClicks
Data Typemetric
Total cost of ad clicks.
Field IDcost
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Cost Per Click
Total cost divided by total number of clicks.
Field IDcostPerClick
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Targeting Cost Per Thousand Impressions
The cost per thousand impressions.
Field IDcostPerThousandImpressions
Data Typemetric
Cost Type
Determines how the campaign will bid and charge. One of vCPM (cost per thousand viewable impressions) or CPC (cost per click).
Field IDcostType
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Display Cumulative Reach
Total number of unique users exposed to an ad from either a campaign, ad group, or product ad over the lifetime of the campaign or the past six months, whichever is shorter. This metric is updated daily.
Field IDcumulativeReach
Data Typemetric
Date Reported By Amazon Report
Date when the ad activity ocurred in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Field IDdate
Data Typemetric
Detail Page Views
Number of detail page views occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view.
Field IDdetailPageViews
Data Typemetric
Detail Page Views Clicks
Number of detail page views occurring within 14 days of an ad click.
Field IDdetailPageViewsClicks
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Targeting Detail Page Views Views
The number of times a product detail page was viewed attributed to an ad view.
Field IDdetailPageViewsViews
Data Typemetric
ECP Add To Cart
Effect cost per add to cart, calculated by cost divided by add-to-cart.
Field IDeCPAddToCart
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Display ECP Brand Search
Effective (average) cost to acquire a Branded Search.
Field IDeCPBrandSearch
Data Typemetric
End Date of report
End date of summary period for a report in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Field IDendDate
Data Typemetric
Gross Click Throughs
The total number of times the ad was clicked. This includes valid, potentially fraudulent, non-human, and other illegitimate clicks.
Field IDgrossClickThroughs
Data Typemetric
Gross Impressions
The total number of times the ad was displayed. This includes valid and invalid impressions such as potentially fraudulent, non-human, and other illegitimate impressions.
Field IDgrossImpressions
Data Typemetric
Total number of ad impressions.
Field IDimpressions
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Display Impressions Frequency Average
Average number of times unique users were exposed to an ad over the lifetime of the campaign.
Field IDimpressionsFrequencyAverage
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Display Impressions Views
The total number of viewable impressions. Only relevant for Sponsored Display vCPM campaigns.
Field IDimpressionsViews
Data Typemetric
Invalid Click Through Rate
The percentage of gross click-throughs that were removed by the traffic quality filter. (Invalid click-throughs rate = invalid click-throughs / gross click-throughs)
Field IDinvalidClickThroughRate
Data Typemetric
Invalid Click Throughs
Clicks that were removed by the traffic quality filter. This includes potentially fraudulent, non-human, and other illegitimate traffic.
Field IDinvalidClickThroughs
Data Typemetric
Invalid Impression Rate
The percentage of gross impressions that were removed by the traffic quality filter. (Invalid impression rate = invalid impressions / gross impressions)
Field IDinvalidImpressionRate
Data Typemetric
Invalid Impressions
The number of impressions removed by a traffic quality filter. This includes potentially fraudulent, non-human, and other illegitimate traffic.
Field IDinvalidImpressions
Data Typemetric
Text of the keyword or a representation of the targeting expression (for Sponsored Products). For Sponsored Products targeting reports, the same value is returned in the targeting metric.
Field IDkeyword
Data Typedimension
Keyword Bid
Bid associated with a keyword or targeting expression.
Field IDkeywordBid
Data Typedimension
Keyword Id
ID associated with a keyword or targeting expression.
Field IDkeywordId
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Branding Keyword Text
Text of the keyword.
Field IDkeywordText
Data Typedimension
Keyword Type
Type of matching for the keyword used in bid. For keywords, one of: BROAD, PHRASE, or EXACT. For Sponsored Products reports, keywordType can also contain the type of targeting expressions, one of: TARGETINGEXPRESSION or TARGETINGEXPRESSION_PREDEFINED.
Field IDkeywordType
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Product Kindle Edition Normalized Pages Read14d
Number of attributed Kindle edition normalized pages read within 14 days of ad click.
Field IDkindleEditionNormalizedPagesRead14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Kindle Edition Normalized Pages Royalties14d
The estimated royalties of attributed estimated Kindle edition normalized pages within 14 days of ad click.
Field IDkindleEditionNormalizedPagesRoyalties14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Display Matched Target Asin
The ASIN associated with the product page where a Sponsored Display ad appeared.
Field IDmatchedTargetAsin
Data Typedimension
Match Type
Type of matching for the keyword used in bid. For keywords, one of: BROAD, PHRASE, or EXACT. For Sponsored Products reports, keywordType can also contain the type of targeting expressions, one of: TARGETINGEXPRESSION or TARGETINGEXPRESSION_PREDEFINED.
Field IDmatchType
Data Typedimension
New To Brand Detail Page View Clicks
Number of new-to-brand detail page views for all the brands' products, attributed to an ad click.
Field IDnewToBrandDetailPageViewClicks
Data Typemetric
New To Brand Detail Page View Rate
Calculated by dividing newToBrandDetailPageViews / impressions.
Field IDnewToBrandDetailPageViewRate
Data Typemetric
New To Brand Detail Page Views
The number of new detail page views from shoppers who have not previously viewed a detail page with an ASIN of the same brand in past 365 days and who either clicked or viewed an ad.
Field IDnewToBrandDetailPageViews
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding New To Brand Detail Page Views Clicks
The number of new detail page views from shoppers who have not previously viewed a detail page with an ASIN of the same brand in past 365 days and who clicked an ad.
Field IDnewToBrandDetailPageViewsClicks
Data Typemetric
New To Brand Detail Page View Views
Number of new-to-brand detail page views for all the brands' products, attributed to an ad view
Field IDnewToBrandDetailPageViewViews
Data Typemetric
New To Brand ECP Detail Page View
Effective cost per new-to-brand detail page view, calculated by cost divided by new-to-brand detail page view.
Field IDnewToBrandECPDetailPageView
Data Typemetric
New To Brand Purchases
The number of first-time orders for brand products over a one-year lookback window resulting from an ad click or view. Not available for book vendors.
Field IDnewToBrandPurchases
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding New To Brand Purchases14d
The number of first-time orders for brand products over a one-year lookback window. Not available for book vendors.
Field IDnewToBrandPurchases14d
Data Typemetric
New To Brand Purchases Clicks
The number of first-time orders for brand products over a one-year lookback window resulting from an ad click. Not available for book vendors.
Field IDnewToBrandPurchasesClicks
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding New To Brand Purchases Percentage
The percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders within 14 days of an ad click. Not available for book vendors.
Field IDnewToBrandPurchasesPercentage
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding New To Brand Purchases Percentage14d
The percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders within 14 days of an ad click. Not available for book vendors.
Field IDnewToBrandPurchasesPercentage14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding New To Brand Purchases Rate
The percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders. Not available for book vendors.
Field IDnewToBrandPurchasesRate
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Targeting New To Brand Purchases Views
The number of new to branch purchases attributed to an ad view.
Field IDnewToBrandPurchasesViews
Data Typemetric
New To Brand Sales
Total value of new-to-brand sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view. Not available for book vendors.
Field IDnewToBrandSales
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding New To Brand Sales14d
Total value of new-to-brand sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click. Not available for book vendors.
Field IDnewToBrandSales14d
Data Typemetric
New To Brand Sales Clicks
Total value of new-to-brand sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click. Not available for book vendors.
Field IDnewToBrandSalesClicks
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding New To Brand Sales Percentage
Percentage of total sales made up of new-to-brand purchases within 14 days of an ad click. Not available for book vendors. Same as newToBrandSalesPercentage14d.
Field IDnewToBrandSalesPercentage
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding New To Brand Sales Percentage14d
Percentage of total sales made up of new-to-brand purchases within 14 days of an ad click. Not available for book vendors. Same as newToBrandSalesPercentage.
Field IDnewToBrandSalesPercentage14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Targeting New To Brand Sales Views
Total value of sales by new to brand customers occurring within 14 days of an ad view.
Field IDnewToBrandSalesViews
Data Typemetric
New To Brand Units Sold
Total number of attributed units ordered as part of new-to-brand sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view. Not available for book vendors.
Field IDnewToBrandUnitsSold
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding New To Brand Units Sold14d
Total number of attributed units ordered as part of new-to-brand sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click. Not available for book vendors.
Field IDnewToBrandUnitsSold14d
Data Typemetric
New To Brand Units Sold Clicks
Total number of attributed units ordered as part of new-to-brand sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view. Not available for book vendors.
Field IDnewToBrandUnitsSoldClicks
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding New To Brand Units Sold Percentage
Percentage of total attributed units ordered within 14 days of an ad click that are part of a new-to-brand purchase. Not available for book vendors. Same as newToBrandUnitsSoldPercentage14d.
Field IDnewToBrandUnitsSoldPercentage
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding New To Brand Units Sold Percentage14d
Percentage of total attributed units ordered within 14 days of an ad click that are part of a new-to-brand purchase. Not available for book vendors. Same as newToBrandUnitsSoldPercentage.
Field IDnewToBrandUnitsSoldPercentage14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding Orders14d
Number of orders within the last 14 days.
Field IDorders14d
Data Typemetric
Placement Classification
The page location where an ad appeared.
Field IDplacementClassification
Data Typedimension
Portfolio Id
The portfolio the campaign is associated with.
Field IDportfolioId
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Branding Product Category
The category the product is associated with on Amazon.
Field IDproductCategory
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Branding Product Name
The name of the product.
Field IDproductName
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Display Promoted Asin
The ASIN associated to an advertised product.
Field IDpromotedAsin
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Display Promoted Sku
The SKU being advertised. Not available for vendors.
Field IDpromotedSku
Data Typedimension
Purchased Asin
The ASIN of the product that was purchased.
Field IDpurchasedAsin
Data Typedimension
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view.
Field IDpurchases
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Purchases14d
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of an ad click. Sponsored Products only.
Field IDpurchases14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Purchases1d
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of an ad click.
Field IDpurchases1d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Purchases30d
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of an ad click.
Field IDpurchases30d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Purchases7d
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of an ad click.
Field IDpurchases7d
Data Typemetric
Purchases Clicks
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of an ad click.
Field IDpurchasesClicks
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Purchases Other Sku14d
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of an ad click where the SKU purchased was different that the advertised SKU.
Field IDpurchasesOtherSku14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Purchases Other Sku1d
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of an ad click where the SKU purchased was different that the advertised SKU.
Field IDpurchasesOtherSku1d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Purchases Other Sku30d
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of an ad click where the SKU purchased was different that the advertised SKU.
Field IDpurchasesOtherSku30d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Purchases Other Sku7d
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of an ad click where the SKU purchased was different that the advertised SKU.
Field IDpurchasesOtherSku7d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding Purchases Promoted
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of ad click or view where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised. Same as purchasesSameSku14d.
Field IDpurchasesPromoted
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Display Purchases Promoted Clicks
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised.
Field IDpurchasesPromotedClicks
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Purchases Same Sku14d
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised. Sponsored Products only. Same as puchasesPromoted.
Field IDpurchasesSameSku14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Purchases Same Sku1d
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 1 day of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised.
Field IDpurchasesSameSku1d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Purchases Same Sku30d
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 30 days of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised.
Field IDpurchasesSameSku30d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Purchases Same Sku7d
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 7 days of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised.
Field IDpurchasesSameSku7d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Targeting Purchases Views
Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of an ad view.
Field IDpurchasesViews
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Targeting ROAS
Return on ad spend.
Field IDroas
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product ROAS Clicks 14d
Return on ad spend based on purchases made within 14 days of an ad click.
Field IDroasClicks14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product ROAS Clicks 7d
Return on ad spend based on purchases made within 7 days of an ad click.
Field IDroasClicks7d
Data Typemetric
Total value of sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view.
Field IDsales
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Sales 14d
Total value of sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click. Sponsored Products only.
Field IDsales14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Sales 1d
Total value of sales occurring within 1 day of an ad click.
Field IDsales1d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Sales 30d
Total value of sales occurring within 30 days of an ad click.
Field IDsales30d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Sales7d
Total value of sales occurring within 7 days of an ad click.
Field IDsales7d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Display Sales Brand Halo
For Sponsored Display vCPM campaigns, the total value of sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Field IDsalesBrandHalo
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Display Sales Brand Halo Clicks
Total value of sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Field IDsalesBrandHaloClicks
Data Typemetric
Sales Clicks
Total value of sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click.
Field IDsalesClicks
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Sales Other Sku14d
Total value of sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Field IDsalesOtherSku14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Sales Other SKU 1d
Total value of sales occurring within 1 day of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Field IDsalesOtherSku1d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Sales Other SKU 30d
Total value of sales occurring within 30 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Field IDsalesOtherSku30d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Sales Other SKU 7d
Total value of sales occurring within 7 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Field IDsalesOtherSku7d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding Sales Promoted
Total value of sales occurring within 14 days of ad click or view where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised. Same as attributedSales14dSameSKU.
Field IDsalesPromoted
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Display Sales Promoted Clicks
Total value of sales occurring within 14 days of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised.
Field IDsalesPromotedClicks
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Targeting Sales Views
Total value of sales occurring within 14 days of an ad view.
Field IDsalesViews
Data Typemetric
Search Term
The search term used by the customer. Same as query.
Field IDsearchTerm
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Product Spend
Total cost of ad clicks.
Field IDspend
Data Typemetric
Start Date of report
Start date of summary period for a report in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Field IDstartDate
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Targeting
A string representation of the expression object used in the targeting clause.
Field IDtargeting
Data Typedimension
Targeting Expression
A string representation of the expression object used in the targeting clause.
Field IDtargetingExpression
Data Typedimension
Targeting Id
The identifier of the targeting expression.
Field IDtargetingId
Data Typedimension
Targeting Text
The text used in the targeting expression.
Field IDtargetingText
Data Typedimension
Sponsored Brand Targeting Type
The type of targeting used in the expression.
Field IDtargetingType
Data Typedimension
Top Of Search Impression Share
The percentage of top-of-search impressions earned out of all the top-of-search impressions that were eligible for a given date range. Various factors determine the eligibility for an impression including campaign status and targeting status.
Field IDtopOfSearchImpressionShare
Data Typemetric
Units Sold
Number of attributed units sold within 14 days of an ad click or view.
Field IDunitsSold
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Branding Units Sold14d
Number of attributed units sold within 14 days of click on an ad. Same as unitsSoldClicks14d. Only valid for Sponsored Brands version 3 campaigns, not Sponsored Brands video or multi-ad group (version 4) campaigns.
Field IDunitsSold14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Display Units Sold Brand Halo
For Sponsored Display vCPM campaigns, the total number of units ordered within 14 days of an ad click or view where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised. For CPC campaigns, this value is equal to attributedUnitsOrdered14dOtherSKU.
Field IDunitsSoldBrandHalo
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Display Units Sold Brand Halo Clicks
Total number of units ordered within 14 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Field IDunitsSoldBrandHaloClicks
Data Typemetric
Units Sold Clicks
Number of attributed units sold within 14 days of an ad click.
Field IDunitsSoldClicks
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Units Sold Clicks 14d
Total number of units ordered within 14 days of an ad click. Same as unitsSold14d
Field IDunitsSoldClicks14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Units Sold Clicks 1d
Total number of units ordered within 1 day of an ad click.
Field IDunitsSoldClicks1d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Units Sold Clicks 30d
Total number of units ordered within 30 days of an ad click.
Field IDunitsSoldClicks30d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Units Sold Clicks 7d
Total number of units ordered within 7 days of an ad click.
Field IDunitsSoldClicks7d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Units Sold Other Sku 14d
Total number of units ordered within 14 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Field IDunitsSoldOtherSku14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Units Sold Other Sku 1d
Total number of units ordered within 1 day of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Field IDunitsSoldOtherSku1d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Units Sold Other Sku 30d
Total number of units ordered within 30 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Field IDunitsSoldOtherSku30d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Units Sold Other Sku 7d
Total number of units ordered within 7 days of an ad click where the purchased SKU was different from the SKU advertised.
Field IDunitsSoldOtherSku7d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Units Sold Same Sku 14d
Total number of units ordered within 14 days of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised.
Field IDunitsSoldSameSku14d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Units Sold Same Sku 1d
Total number of units ordered within 1 day of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised.
Field IDunitsSoldSameSku1d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Units Sold Same Sku 30d
Total number of units ordered within 30 days of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised.
Field IDunitsSoldSameSku30d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Product Units Sold Same Sku 7d
Total number of units ordered within 7 days of ad click where the purchased SKU was the same as the SKU advertised.
Field IDunitsSoldSameSku7d
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Targeting Units Sold Views
Number of attributed units sold within 14 days of an ad view.
Field IDunitsSoldViews
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Brand Video5 Second View Rate
The percentage of impressions where the customer watched the complete video or 5 seconds of the video (whichever is shorter). Sponsored Brands video-only metric.
Field IDvideo5SecondViewRate
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Brand Video5 Second Views
The number of impressions where the customer watched the complete video or 5 seconds (whichever is shorter). Sponsored Brands video-only metric.
Field IDvideo5SecondViews
Data Typemetric
Video Complete Views
The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 100%.
Field IDvideoCompleteViews
Data Typemetric
Video First Quartile Views
The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 25%.
Field IDvideoFirstQuartileViews
Data Typemetric
Video Midpoint Views
The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 50%.
Field IDvideoMidpointViews
Data Typemetric
Video Third Quartile Views
The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 75%.
Field IDvideoThirdQuartileViews
Data Typemetric
Video Unmutes
The number of impressions where a customer unmuted the video.
Field IDvideoUnmutes
Data Typemetric
Viewability Rate
View-through rate (vtr). Views divided by impressions.
Field IDviewabilityRate
Data Typemetric
Sponsored Brand Viewable Impressions
Number of impressions that met the Media Ratings Council (MRC) viewability standard (50 percent of the ad viewable with two seconds playback completed). Sponsored Brands video-only metric.
Field IDviewableImpressions
Data Typemetric
View Click Through Rate
Click-through rate for views (clicks divided by views).
Field IDviewClickThroughRate
Data Typemetric
Year such as 2017.
Data Typedimension
Year Quarter
Year and quarter.
Data Typedimension
Year month
Year and month.
Data Typedimension
Year week
Year and week.
Data Typedimension
Quarter of the year
Quarter of the year
Data Typedimension
Month of the year
Month of the year
Data Typedimension
Month and day
Month and day
Data Typedimension
Day of the week
Day of the week
Data Typedimension
Day of the year
Day of the year
Data Typedimension
Year, month, and day.
Data Typedimension
Week of the year
Week of the year
Data Typedimension
Week of the year (start sunday)
Week of the year (start sunday)
Data Typedimension
Extracted Date
The date where the extraction take times.
Field ID_catchr_date_extract
Data Typedimension
Platform Name
Return the platform name
Field ID_catchr_platform_name
Data Typedimension