Utilizing the TODAY Function for Real-Time Data Evaluation in Looker Studio: Understanding Its Working, Examples, Limitations, and Tips

 Utilizing the TODAY Function for Real-Time Data Evaluation in Looker Studio: Understanding Its Working, Examples, Limitations, and Tips

The ability to track and manage time-specific data plays a pivotal role in any business scenario. Here, we are focusing on the invaluable TODAY function that caters to this exact need in Google Data Studio. This brilliant function helps extract real-time data about the present day which brings a dynamic and live characteristic to data evaluation, regardless of the timezone.

Function Syntax

Residing at the core of Google Data Studio, the TODAY function is expressed as


It is noteworthy that the "time_zone" parameter is optional. The function will use UTC by default if a specific timezone isn't pointed out, hence covering a wide range of user bases across the globe.

Working of the TODAY function

The function is straightforward to utilize. If the user doesn't specify a timezone, 'TODAY()' would return the current date based on the UTC time. However, the users can insert an argument in form of a timezone text field or any expression that symbolizes the timezone they desire. For instance,

would output the current date at the timezone corresponding to New York.

The catch is, if the input to 'time_zone' evaluates to NULL character, today() function will also emit NULL.


Let's consider an example related to sales metrics:

A multinational company runs multiple marketing campaigns targeting different regions. The company wants to use TODAY function to evaluate the performance of a given campaign on the current day across various timezones.


  • If the HO is in New York and they perform

    on 30th July, 2021, the function would return
    , giving you the number of sales or conversions on this particular day.

  • On the other hand, if they perform

    , it may show the date as
    due to timezone difference, allowing them to view the sales metrics for 31st July in India.

This provides a unique opportunity to study and compare the performance over different regions in real-time which supports smart, data-driven decisions.


While 'TODAY' function is great to work with, it's important to understand its limitations. This function is timezone dependent. It means, the same value wouldn't necessarily equate to the same result when evaluated in different timezone frameworks.


A fascinating aspect is that 'TODAY' is a synonym for 'CURRENT_DATE'. So, wherever you're using TODAY function, you can substitute it with CURRENT_DATE to get the same result. This gives users variety in their approach to calculating real-time, date-specific data.

Remember - the beauty of data manipulation in Google Data Studio lies in knowing how and when to employ these functions strategically and effectively.

By understanding TODAY function's ins and outs, you gain prowess in working with Google Data Studio and harness the real-time validation on the data that gives insight to drive your strategies forward.

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