Mastering the YEARWEEK Function in Looker Studio: Syntax, Operations, Examples, and Tips

 Mastering the YEARWEEK Function in Looker Studio: Syntax, Operations, Examples, and Tips

The Google Data Studio offers a myriad of diverse, effective functions for data manipulation, and one such proficient tool is the YEARWEEK function. An essential component in dealing with date-related data, this function facilitates a seamless extraction of the year and respective week number from a provided date.

Understanding the YEARWEEK Syntax

In its essence, YEARWEEK follows a simplistic design that can be applied in two different manners, depending on the date details received.


: Here, the
refers to a Date or Date & Time field or expression. This is when the date value is provided directly.


YEARWEEK(X [,Input Format])
: This format is beneficial when dealing with compatibility mode Date value.
can be a Text, Number, or a compatibility mode Date. The
Input Format
denotes the format applied to
and is optional if
is correctly set up as a semantic date field.

How Does YEARWEEK Work?

The modus operandi of YEARWEEK lies in its ability to interpret and interact with dates. It converts a date expression or a compatibility mode Date value into a year-week format.

  • For date expressions, YEARWEEK simply breaks down the date and extricates the year and week number, presenting it as a combined output.

  • For compatibility mode dates, the function first interprets the provided input, depending on its type (text, number, or date) and optional format. Post this, it performs the same extraction as mentioned earlier.

Diving into Examples

Let's walk through a few examples to better understand the application of YEARWEEK, using a sales scenario. Assume our dataset captures sales transactions for an online store which primarily sells clothing items.

Suppose we have a date '2022-08-18' for a particular sale and we want to retrieve the year and week number:

Formula: YEARWEEK(Date)
Input: 2022-08-18
Output: 202233
The output 202233 implies that the sale was made in the 33rd week of the year 2022.

Consider another example where we have this date in compatibility mode with input as text:

Formula: YEARWEEK("2022-08-18", 'DEFAULT_DASH')
Input: "2022-08-18"
Output: 202233

Delving into Limits of YEARWEEK

The function assumes great strength in its flexibility of accepting multiple formats, which also serves as its limitation. Inaccuracy in formatting, especially in compatibility mode dates, may result in incorrect output or errors.

Pro Tips for YEARWEEK

1) Even though input format is optional, it's always better to define it accurately when dealing with compatibility mode dates.

2) Understanding the difference between the two types of syntaxes can help fetch the desired result with ease.

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