Mastering the SQRT Function in Looker Studio for Enhanced Data Insights and Computation

 Mastering the SQRT Function in Looker Studio for Enhanced Data Insights and Computation

Google Data Studio (GDS) offers a wide array of functions to manage and manipulate data. One such function is the

function. This powerful function allows users to obtain the square root of a given number, increasing the dimensionality of data computation in your reports.

With the

function, you can compute the positive square root of any positive number. This function is applicable whether you're using literal numbers, a field, or an expression containing at least one field. Let me guide you through how to utilize this function to maximize your data insights.

SQRT Syntax

The syntax for the

function in Google Data Studio is quite straightforward:


Where X refers to a literal number, a data field, or an expression that contains one or more fields.

Remember to ensure the value for X is a positive number as negative values won't return a result.

How the SQRT Function Works


function takes a single numerical input X, whether a literal number or from a specific data field. When executed, the function will calculate the positive square root of this input value.

To use the

function, you just have to include it in your calculated field.

For instance:


Examples of the SQRT Function

Now let's take a glimpse at how this function can be practically applied, using a sales data scenario.

Suppose you have a data field labelled 'total_sales', containing the total sales number for each item sold in a certain period.

For better visual cognition of sales impact, you decide to calculate the square root of these sales.

You can do this by using the

function like this:


This will return the square root of each total_sales number, yielding a new data aspect for computation or visualization.

For example, if the value of 'total_sales' for one product is 256 units, the function will return 16 units.

Limitations of the SQRT Function

Remember, the

function only handles positive numerical inputs. Any negative number or non-numerical input will result in an error. Also, this function only accepts one parameter.

Tips for Using the SQRT Function

Always check your data inputs before running the

function to avoid errors. Ensure the data fields or literals entered are positive numbers.

For better performance scrutiny, you can use the

function in combination with other functions. For instance, the square root of sales can be subtracted from a constant number to analyze the variance in sales:

100 - SQRT(total_sales)


function in Google Data Studio can offer great insights into your data overview. It's a simple but powerful tool with limitless application. By mastering it, you'll be adding profound value to your data analytics proficiency.

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