Mastering the LOG Function in Looker Studio: Syntax, Use Cases, Limitations, and Tips

 Mastering the LOG Function in Looker Studio: Syntax, Use Cases, Limitations, and Tips

Google Data Studio boasts a wide range of functions up its sleeve, and knowing them inside out can help you effectively manipulate data and fetch insights based on your unique needs. Our focus in this article is on the LOG function: its syntax, use cases, limitations, tips, and more.

Syntax of the LOG Function

As robust as it is, the LOG function has a pretty straightforward syntax to understand.


In this syntax, 'X' represents a field or an expression that contains at least one field. It's important to remember that the value of X needs to be positive.

How LOG Function Works?

Primarily, the LOG function in Google Data Studio returns the logarithm (to the base 2) of a positive number. It's a mathematical function used to determine the power to which the base must be raised to produce a certain number. With LOG, you can transform skewed data into a more normally distributed dataset making data analysis smoother and more precise.


Let's see this LOG function in action using some sales metrics:

Let's suppose you have 'Total Sales' for your business, and you want to determine the logarithm to base 2 of these sales.

Syntax may look something like this:

LOG(Total Sales)

For instance:

  • If Total Sales = 1, the output of LOG(Total Sales) would be 0 (log base 2 of 1 is 0).
  • If Total Sales = 100, the output of LOG(Total Sales) would be 6.64 (log base 2 of 100 is approximately 6.64).

Limitations of LOG Function

Despite its usefulness, the LOG function has certain limitations to be aware of:

  • It can only be used for positive numbers.
  • If you try to apply the LOG function to zero or a negative number, Google Data Studio will return an error.
  • LOG function only calculates the logarithm to the base 2.

A Few Helpful Tips

To make the most out of the LOG function, here are a few tips:

  • Ensure the number (or field) you're applying LOG to always has positive values.
  • Since the LOG function returns real numbers, it's often best used with real data types for a seamless experience.
  • Use the LOG function when you want to make highly skewed distributions less skewed.

Wrapping Up

To summarize, the LOG function is a powerful tool in Google Data Studio that can aid you in transforming and analyzing your data. Being cognizant about the function's syntax, limitations, and ideal use-cases can go a long way in unlocking valuable insights.

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