#2 - Create your first report in Looker Studio

#2 - Create your first report in Looker Studio

We have seen how to create your first data source in the first course. We will now create a blank report with this data source and learn how to create charts and tables with your data.

Create a blank report from a data source

First, you need to find your data source. You will find it in your data source list on the homepage.

Clicking on it will open the data source management page (more information on our first tutorial), then click on Create Report in the top left corner.

You just created a blank report with your new data source in it. You can now select cards, charts, and tables to be displayed in your report. You are currently in edition mode, meaning you are a user with the edition right. You can know this from the View button in the top left corner.

You can find a details explanation of the interface in this annex.

Place charts and configure them.

Ok, let's put a concrete example. I will take a Facebook Ads data source to start a report. The idea is to have a small report that gives me performance insight quickly.

The metrics I will use: Spend, Impression, Link Clicks, Add to Cart, Purchases and Purchases Value.

I want them for the account and breakdown by the campaigns.

ScoreCard for general information :

We will place a Scorecard for each metric and create a few relevant calculated fields, step by step:

  1. Open Add a Charts in ****the shortcut, select the first Scorecard and place it in the report.
  2. On the configuration panel, under metric, select Impression.
  3. Under Default date range → Comparison date range, click the selector and use the preselect selector to choose Previous period. It will show the variation in your metrics compared to the previous period.
  4. Go in style (at the top of the column) and add a few more options, like the compact number, borders and background.
  5. Copy this Scorecard to keep the style and only change the metric for the others.

Create a calculated field :

  1. Copy a Scorecard again. Under metric, click on the current metric, then click on Create field at the bottom.
  2. In Name, write a name. I will create the CTR first.
  3. In Formula, write "SUM(Link Clicks) / SUM(Impressions)". It would be best if you always used the SUM function of Google to indicate how to aggregate a calculated field. More information is here.
  4. In type, select Number → Percent.
  5. Finally, click on Apply.
  6. Repeat this for CPC (formula: “SUM(Spend) / SUM(Link Clicks)”) and ROAS (formula: “SUM(Purchases Value)/SUM(Spend)”).

Table by campaign:

I now want a table with all the previous metrics, breakdown by campaign:

  1. Open Add a Charts in ****the shortcut, select the first Table and place it in the report.
  2. On the configuration panel, under Dimension, select Campaign name.
  3. On the configuration panel, under metric, select all the previous metrics.

You now have a trim dashboard with the relevant metrics to follow your Facebook Ads account (or any social ads account, whatever it is).

In the following tutorial, I will show you how to share your report in several ways.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask on our chatbox!

More function to use with Looker Studio

Exploring the Versatility of the EXTRACT Function in Looker Studio: A Comprehensive Guide on its Syntax, Application, & Limitations
Unveiling the ACOS Function in Looker Studio
Understanding the TAN Function in Looker Studio: Features, Syntax, Practical Applications, Limitations, and Tips for Optimal Usage
Understanding and Utilizing the PARSE_DATE() Function in Looker Studio for Effective Data Transformation
Understanding the IF Function in Looker Studio: A Comprehensive Guide to Customizing Reports and Enhancing Data-driven Decision-making

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Johan Chemin
Customer Success Manager & Looker Studio Expert
I design powerful dashboards that enable you to effectively analyze your marketing data. I also provide comprehensive lessons on mastering your BI tools. Feel free to contact me for assistance with these areas.