How to calculate percentage in looker studio ?

How to calculate percentage in looker studio ?

How to calculate percentage in looker studio ?

Looker Studio is great for handling percent fields, but you must know how it works and which options to use. We will see how to indicate to Looker Studio that a field is a percentage and the options to format it.

Use the percentage format for a metric:

Each metric has a predefined format. You can change this format for a metric in a chart or across the entire report.

For only a chart:

Select a chart, and click on the option for a metric:

Edit the options for a metric.

Under Data Type, select Number -> Percent.

Select Data Type percent for a metric.

As you can see in my formula, I didn't multiply by 100. Looker Studio will do it.

Then, under Display Format, select the format you want or create one (if you wish to 2 decimals, take Percent(2).

Change the Display Format.

Click Apply and wait for the chart to reload.

Here is the result:

Percent field in Looker Studio

For the metric across all charts:

You can get the same result by editing the field type in your data source.

To do so, go to Resource -> Managed added data sources -> Edit your data source.

Then, select your field and change its type:

Change metric type in your data source.

This will apply the Percent type to the CTR wherever you use it. But you will have to change the Display Format for each charts if it is not the one you ant by default.

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